Challenging and Releasing Your Limiting Beliefs


Our Limiting Beliefs keep us from reaching our full potential. Limiting beliefs are YOUR beliefs that keep you from creating the life you want. As Rick Carlson, author of Master Class Gremlin Taming states “Beliefs, even the noblest of them, are just opinions you have developed a loyalty to.”

What beliefs are you still loyal to that no longer serve you? What is holding on to those old beliefs costing you? What will happen when you decide to release your Limiting Beliefs and embrace all you can be?

Listen to the words you use in conversation and self-talk. Are your conversations realistic and positive or do you speak and see life in terms of doom and gloom?

Often times we repeat the self-talk we heard as children, especially when we feel we have failed or not performed a task as expected. What does that inner voice sound like and does this inner voice serve you to reach your goals? Are you as patient with yourself as you would be with your best friend? It has been said, if we treated our best friend the way we treat ourselves we would all be in jail!.

Ask yourself if the people you associate with are positive or negative? As much as possible, associate with people you find encouraging and uplifting. In our day-to-day lives we must deal with people that are unpleasant, so limit your contact as best you can and do not take their remarks and opinions personally. Remember, growing up you heard to be careful of who you spend your time with, this truth is equally important for adults.

A mantra: Practice, Patience and more Practice. As you start making changes in thoughts and actions it may take time to feel and see the results of your work.

At times you will be aware you failed, this is good news, once you are aware of your shortcomings improvement (and growth) will be just around the corner.

You may be changing habits or beliefs (patterns) that have been a part of you for years, be patient with yourself.

Think of the farmer who plants seeds, works the soil and has faith in the process. Be like the farmer, do the work and wait for the results.

I would suggest keeping a diary or a record of your progress. Some people keep a gratitude journal being grateful for their progress on the road of improvement. Focusing on small steady growth will help keep you on your path.

Spending 5 to 10 minutes in the morning setting your intentions for the day can be very helpful in reaching your short and long-term goals. A quick recap at the end of the day celebrating your victories and learning from your opportunities for improvement will help you keep your goals and progress in sight.

If you want to dig deeper into limiting beliefs, schedule a complimentary discover session.

Level 7